Our Pricing

New clients call, and have to start the conversation somewhere, so they ask how much is a … B service… brake job… Etc. What they really want to ask is: How can I know I can trust you to adequately service my car, without taking advantage of me?
Because clients and dealership service advisors alike prefer a “one size fits all” solution, “menu pricing” has become the order of the day.  This leads to pricing that overcharges most, while undercharging a few.

APEX Has menu pricing for some standard services which are  common to most vehicles, but to be realistic and fair, most jobs must be quoted individually after testing and physical inspection.

Our labor rate is $160/ hr. Compare this to $290+ at the dealer.

Labor charges are based on a combination of sources, including factory time guides, Mitchell and Chilton time guides and our own personal experience as to what is involved in performing the job. The age and condition of the vehicle may influence the labor charge, as might the need for expensive special tools or extensive technical research.
We generally charge Mercedes-Benz list price for parts, sometimes less, never more. Dealerships have been known to charge list plus 20%. In some instances we can offer significant savings by using used or remanufactured parts, options often not available elsewhere.